Emergency Cardiovascular Care Library
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<TITLE>ACLS Chapter 16</TITLE>
<BODY TEXT="#bafddc" LINK="#ffcc66" VLINK="#5cf373" BGCOLOR="#006666" ALINK=
<H1><FONT COLOR="#eca413">Chapter 16</FONT></H1>
<H1><FONT COLOR="#eca413">Ethical Aspects of CPR and ECC<HR ALIGN=LEFT></FONT></H1>
<H1><A NAME="anchor145056"></A><FONT COLOR="#eca413">16.1 Introduction</FONT></H1>
<P>Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emergency cardiac care (ECC)
have the same goals as all other medical interventions to preserve
life, restore health, relieve suffering, and limit disability. An additional
goal unique to CPR is the reversal of "clinical death." However,
in providing CPR these goals are often not achieved. Moreover, the provision
of resuscitation may conflict with a patient's own desires and requests
or may not be in the patient's best interest.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=
"http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0001" TARGET="Footnote #1">1</A></FONT></SUP> Like other
medical therapies, CPR and ECC have specific indications and contraindications.
In certain circumstances CPR can be predicted to be unsuccessful and may
be considered futile. In certain instances CPR may not be a wise or just
use of limited medical resources. However, concern about costs associated
with prolonged intensive care should not preclude emergency resuscitative
attempts. The purpose of this section is to guide ECC providers in making
difficult decisions about starting and stopping CPR and ECC. These are guidelines
only. Each decision must be individualized and made with compassion and
<A NAME="anchor1"></A>
<P>Competent and informed patients have a moral and legal right to consent
to or refuse recommended medical interventions, including CPR.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0002" TARGET="Footnote #2">2-7</A></FONT></SUP>
The right to refuse medical treatment does not depend on the presence or
absence of terminal illness, the agreement of family members, or the approval
of physicians or hospital administrators. Under ideal circumstances adult
patients are presumed to be competent unless a court has declared them incompetent
to make medical decisions.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0008"
TARGET="Footnote #8">8</A></FONT></SUP> In practice, physicians often determine
whether patients can make informed decisions about their medical care. To
have this decision-making capacity, patients must be able to understand
basic information about their condition and prognosis, the nature of the
proposed intervention, the alternatives, the risks and benefits, and the
consequences. In addition, the patient must be able to deliberate and choose
among alternatives. In cases of doubt, the patient should be regarded as
competent. When decision-making capacity is temporarily impaired by such
factors as concurrent illness, medications, or depression, treatment of
these conditions may restore that capacity.</P>
<A NAME="anchor2"></A>
<P>If the patient cannot make an informed decision about CPR, the attending
physician should consider the patient's advance directives or decisions
by appropriate surrogates, as well as the likely response to CPR.<HR ALIGN=LEFT></P>
<A NAME="anchor3"></A>
<H1><A NAME="anchor145590"></A><FONT COLOR="#eca413">16.2 Ethical Principles
and Guidelines</FONT></H1>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.2.1 Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision
<P>By using advance directives, competent patients indicate what interventions
they would refuse or accept if they were to lose the capacity to make decisions
about their care.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0009" TARGET=
"Footnote #9">9</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0010" TARGET="Footnote #10">10</A></FONT></SUP>
Following the advance directives of patients who have lost their decision-making
capacity respects their autonomy, individuality, and self-determination
as well as the law.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0001"
TARGET="Footnote #1">1</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0003" TARGET="Footnote #3">3</A>,<A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0004" TARGET="Footnote #4">4</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0007"
TARGET="Footnote #7">7</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor4"></A>
<P>Advance directives include conversations, written directives, living
wills, and durable powers of attorney for health care. Conversations the
patient had with relatives, friends, or physicians while still competent
are the most common form of advance directives. However, the courts consider
written advance directives more trustworthy.</P>
<A NAME="anchor5"></A>
<P>Living wills constitute clear and convincing evidence of a patient's
wishes, and in most states living wills are legally enforceable. In living
wills, patients direct their physicians in the provision of medical care
if the patients become terminally ill and are incapable of making decisions.</P>
<A NAME="anchor6"></A>
<P>The durable power of attorney for health care allows a competent patient
to designate a surrogate, typically a relative or close friend, to make
medical decisions if the patient loses decision-making capacity.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0011" TARGET="Footnote #11">11</A></FONT></SUP>
The surrogate (also referred to as the healthcare agent or proxy) should
base decisions on the previously expressed preferences of the patient if
they are known or in the patient's best interest if the patient's values
are not known. Unlike the living will, the durable power of attorney for
health care applies to all situations in which the patient is incapable
of making medical decisions, not only terminal illness. Appointing a surrogate,
together with providing a statement of preferences regarding life-sustaining
treatment, is the preferred way for a patient to provide written advance
<A NAME="anchor7"></A>
<P>Physicians should encourage patients to provide advance directives and
should make forms readily available.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0012"
TARGET="Footnote #12">12</A></FONT></SUP> Physicians need to know the requirements
in their states, for example, about witnesses or notarization. In discussions
with patients, physicians can ensure that advance directives are informed,
specific, and up-to-date.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0012"
TARGET="Footnote #12">12</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0013" TARGET="Footnote #13">13</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor8"></A>
<P>When patients lack the capacity to make informed decisions, a surrogate,
informed and advised by the attending physician, should be identified to
make medical decisions for the patient. In some instances, the patient while
still competent will have selected a surrogate by executing a durable power
of attorney for health care. When the patient has not selected a proxy,
state law may dictate the order in which relatives should be asked to serve
as surrogates.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0007" TARGET=
"Footnote #7">7</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0014" TARGET="Footnote #14">14</A></FONT></SUP>
Physicians can ask the courts to appoint surrogates for patients lacking
decision-making capacity. However, legal proceedings may result in long
delays or superficial review of the case, even when expedited procedures
are used. In practice, the physician and the family often select the appropriate
surrogate. The person chosen for that role should be someone who knows the
patient's value system and respects its values and will act in the patient's
best interest. Generally the appropriate surrogate is a relative or close
friend, or the parents if the patient is a child.</P>
<A NAME="anchor9"></A>
<P>In pediatric patients, respect for the principles of autonomy and self-determination
requires that children be included in decision making consistent with their
neurological status and level of maturity. There is legal precedent for
participation by mature adolescents in personal decisions concerning CPR.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0015" TARGET="Footnote #15">15</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor10"></A>
<P>Some patients with impaired decision-making capacity have no family members
or close friends who can make decisions on their behalf. Decisions for such
patients may present serious ethical dilemmas. In clinical practice, decisions
for such patients are commonly made without resorting to the courts. It
is desirable but not always possible for the attending physician to ask
someone who is not directly involved in the patient's care to consult on
the case. Such consultation helps to ensure that hidden assumptions and
value judgments are made explicit, that the personal values of the caregivers
are not projected onto the patient, that all points of view and alternatives
are considered, and that the decision is made thoughtfully. Review by the
hospital ethics committee, an ethics consultant, or another physician can
be useful.</P>
<A NAME="anchor11"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.2.2 Futility</FONT></H2>
<P>Physicians should not be obligated to provide futile therapy when asked
to do so by patients or surrogates.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0002"
TARGET="Footnote #2">2</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0016" TARGET="Footnote #16">16-18</A></FONT></SUP>
While this general rule seems obvious, it may be difficult to define futility
in a particular case. People often use the term <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">futile</FONT>
</B>in very different ways, and unilateral decisions by physicians to withhold
or terminate resuscitation are justified only when it is futile in a strict
sense.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0016" TARGET="Footnote #16">16</A>,<A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0019" TARGET="Footnote #19">19</A></FONT></SUP>
Medical futility justifies unilateral decisions by physicians to withhold
or terminate resuscitation under the following circumstances:</P>
<A NAME="anchor12"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">1. Appropriate basic life support (BLS) and advanced
life support (ALS) have already been attempted without restoration of circulation
and breathing.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor13"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">2. No physiological benefit from BLS and ALS can
be expected because a patient's vital functions are deteriorating despite
maximum therapy. For example, CPR would not restore circulation in a patient
who suffered a cardiac arrest despite optimal treatment for progressive
septic or cardiogenic shock.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor14"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">3. No survivors after CPR have been reported under
the given circumstances in well-designed studies. For example, when CPR
has been attempted in patients with metastatic cancer, several large series
have reported that no patients survived to hospital discharge.<SUP></FONT><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0020" TARGET="Footnote #20">20</A></FONT><FONT
<A NAME="anchor15"></A>
<P>In these strictly defined situations, the decision to stop or withhold
resuscitation is appropriately a medical judgment.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0018" TARGET="Footnote #18">18</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0021"
TARGET="Footnote #21">21</A></FONT></SUP> Patients (or surrogates of incompetent
patients) should be informed of the no-CPR order but not offered the choice
of CPR.</P>
<A NAME="anchor16"></A>
<P>The term <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">futility</FONT></B>, however, is also
used in less strict and less objective ways that do not justify unilateral
decisions by physicians to withhold CPR.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0016"
TARGET="Footnote #16">16</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0019" TARGET="Footnote #19">19</A></FONT>
</SUP>Some physicians regard CPR as "futile" when important goals
of care cannot be achieved, although other significant goals might be. For
example, for a young patient in a persistent vegetative state, CPR in the
case of cardiopulmonary arrest would not restore cerebral function, although
it might restore circulation and allow long-term survival. Another looser
meaning of futility is that the reported survival rate after CPR is low
but not 0%. In calling CPR futile in these circumstances, physicians make
value judgments about which goals of treatment and what probability of success
are worthwhile. Physicians need to appreciate that in these situations their
role is to initiate discussions with patients or their surrogates and to
provide information and advice but not to be the sole decision makers.</P>
<A NAME="anchor17"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.2.3 Allocation of Resources</FONT></H2>
<P>Recent ethical deliberations have arisen out of concern for overtreatment
of patients with a poor prognosis; however, a major consideration should
be the lack of consistent access to and quality of ECC and other medical
services. Efforts should continue to be devoted to decreasing response times
and improving CPR performance through all links in the chain of survival.
Justice dictates that a certain level of emergency care should be provided
to all citizens and that resources should be justly allocated to ensure
some degree of equitable distribution of medical resources to all citizens.
Physicians must play a major role in determining how to derive maximum benefit
from available medical resources. However, when making individual treatment
decisions for a patient, the physician should maintain a position of advocacy
for that patient's best interest. When resources are inadequate to meet
immediate patient care needs, rationing (ie, triage) of medical services
occurs. Rationing, the distribution of a scarce resource, should be based
on ethically oriented criteria.</P>
<A NAME="anchor18"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.2.4 No-CPR Orders</FONT></H2>
<P>Most patients want to discuss the no-CPR or do-not-resuscitate (DNR)
decision with their physicians. Physicians, however, often hesitate to initiate
the discussions, fearing that such discussions would harm some patients
by provoking severe anxiety or undermining hope, even though there is little
evidence to support this. On a practical level, busy physicians may think
they do not have time to discuss CPR in a meaningful way with patients.</P>
<A NAME="anchor19"></A>
<P>Often physicians discuss CPR only with patients whom they consider at
risk for cardiopulmonary arrest.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0022"
TARGET="Footnote #22">22</A></FONT></SUP> Typically the possibility of cardiopulmonary
arrest becomes clear as a patient's condition worsens. At that point the
patient often is no longer capable of making decisions,<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0019" TARGET="Footnote #19">19</A></FONT></SUP>
although often the patient was capable of doing so on admission to the hospital.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0022" TARGET="Footnote #22">22</A></FONT></SUP>
Targeting sicker patients reinforces the belief that discussion of no-CPR
or DNR orders signifies a bleak prognosis. Selective discussions may also
be inequitable. Physicians discuss no-CPR orders more frequently with patients
who have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or cancer than with patients
who have coronary artery disease, cirrhosis, and other diseases with a similarly
poor prognosis.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0023" TARGET=
"Footnote #23">23</A></FONT></SUP> For these reasons, physicians must consider
taking the initiative in discussing CPR with all adults admitted for medical
and surgical care or with their surrogates.</P>
<A NAME="anchor20"></A>
<P>To allow patients or surrogates to make informed decisions, physicians
need to disclose pertinent information about the patient's condition and
prognosis, the nature of CPR, the likely outcome, the risk, and the alternative
of certain death. Patients need to understand that CPR is often unsuccessful.
About 15% of hospitalized patients on general medical or surgical floors
in whom CPR is attempted survive.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0022"
TARGET="Footnote #22">22-26</A></FONT> </SUP>Terminally ill patients may
fear abandonment and pain more than death. In discussions with such patients,
physicians need to emphasize their plans to control pain, provide comfort,
and see the patient regularly, even if resuscitation is withheld.</P>
<A NAME="anchor21"></A>
<P>All medical decision making, including choices about CPR, begins with
the physician's recommendation based on medical judgment, which is then
communicated to patients or their surrogates or parents when they are asked
to give their informed consent. Patients and their surrogates have a right
to choose from among medically appropriate options based on their assessment
of the relative benefits and burdens of the proposed intervention. This
right to choose does not imply the right to demand care beyond appropriate
options based on medical judgment and accepted standards of care, nor are
physicians required to provide care in ways that in their personal judgment
violate the principles of medical ethics. Physicians may choose to transfer
care in such cases to other providers. There may be circumstances when conflicts
of interest may lead parents to decisions not in the best interest of the
infant or child. If patients or their surrogates or parents and physicians
cannot agree on a course of action, steps should be taken to resolve the
differences of opinion by involving consultants, ethics committees, or
as a last resort in pediatric cases state child protection agencies.</P>
<A NAME="anchor22"></A>
<P>A growing number of children with chronic and potentially life-threatening
conditions live in foster care environments under state jurisdiction. Existing
ambiguities about the scope of decision-making authority vested in custodial
guardians, especially decisions about CPR and prolonged life support, need
to be clarified.</P>
<A NAME="anchor23"></A>
<P>Decisions to limit resuscitative efforts should be communicated to all
professionals involved in the care of the adult or child in the context
of an overall plan for patient care. Such interactions provide a wider information
base, ensure that the staff is fully informed, and offer an opportunity
for conflicts to be aired.</P>
<A NAME="anchor24"></A>
<P>Unlike other medical interventions, CPR is initiated without a physician's
order, under the theory of implied consent for emergency treatment. However,
a physician's order is required to withhold CPR.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=
"http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0025" TARGET="Footnote #25">25</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor25"></A>
<P>DNR or no-CPR orders represent one aspect of a patient treatment plan,
ie, not to attempt CPR, and carry no inherent implications for limitations
of other forms of treatment. Other aspects of the treatment plan should
be separately documented and communicated. Admission to an intensive care
unit for necessary care best provided in that facility is not necessarily
inconsistent with a decision not to attempt CPR in the event of an arrest.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0027" TARGET="Footnote #27">27</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor26"></A>
<P>The commonly used term <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">do not resuscitate</FONT></B>
may be misleading. It suggests that healthcare workers could resuscitate
a patient if they tried to do so, but this often is not the case. The term
<B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">do not attempt resuscitation</FONT></B><I> </I>(DNAR)
may more clearly connote that success at resuscitation is often not achieved.
The scope of a DNR order may also be ambiguous. Even though CPR will be
withheld, it may be appropriate to provide interventions such as fluids,
nutrition, oxygen, antiarrhythmic agents, or vasopressors. The order <B><FONT
COLOR="#ffffff">no CPR</FONT></B> may more effectively communicate the
intended meaning that "in the event of an acute cardiac arrest, no
CPR measures will be instituted or continued." Each of these terms
<B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">DNR</FONT>, <FONT COLOR="#ffffff">DNAR</FONT>,</B>
and <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">no CPR</FONT></B> is currently in use,
and local custom will determine the preferred term. The term <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">no
CPR</FONT></B> will be used throughout the remainder of this chapter.</P>
<A NAME="anchor27"></A>
<P>No-CPR orders should be reviewed before surgery to determine their applicability
in the operating room and postoperative recovery room.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0028" TARGET="Footnote #28">28-30</A></FONT></SUP>
They should be reviewed by the anesthesia care provider, attending physician,
and patient or surrogate to determine how they should apply to events that
may occur during the intraoperative or immediate postoperative period. The
result of that review may be a suspension or continuance of the no-CPR order
through the perioperative period.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0029"
TARGET="Footnote #29">29</A></FONT></SUP><HR ALIGN=LEFT></P>
<A NAME="anchor28"></A>
<H1><A NAME="anchor146404"></A><FONT COLOR="#eca413">16.3 Initiating and
Discontinuing Resuscitation in the Prehospital Setting</FONT></H1>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.3.1 Basic Considerations</FONT></H2>
<P>When a person has suffered a cardiac or respiratory arrest, there is
a strong presumption for initiation of CPR in the prehospital, hospital,
and delivery room settings. Except in narrowly defined circumstances, citizen
first responders are urged and professional first responders are expected
always to attempt BLS and ACLS. Exceptions to this rule in the prehospital
setting are the presence of obvious clinical signs of death, cases where
attempts would place the rescuer at significant risk of physical injury,
or cases where there is documentation or another reliable reason to believe
that CPR is not indicated, wanted, or in the patient's best interest. Unwitnessed
deaths in the presence of known serious, chronic, debilitating disease or
in the terminal state of a fatal illness may be a reliable criterion in
some settings to believe that CPR is not indicated. CPR is not indicated
for traumatic arrests with extended response or transport times after a
patent airway is ensured. In the past, debate has centered on the question
of whether to initiate CPR when "irreversible brain damage" or
"brain death" is suspected. Neither of these conditions can be
reliably assessed in the prehospital setting. Thus, anticipated neurological
status should not be used as a criterion to withhold CPR.</P>
<A NAME="anchor29"></A>
<P>Emergency medical services (EMS) protocols should have provisions to
identify adults and children who have no-CPR orders.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0031" TARGET="Footnote #31">31</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0032"
TARGET="Footnote #32">32</A></FONT></SUP> This could be done with a formal
order sheet, identification cards, bracelets, or some other mechanism.</P>
<A NAME="anchor30"></A>
<P>In certain cases it may be difficult to determine if resuscitation should
be started. For example, despite the presence of a no-CPR order, family
members, surrogates, or the patient's physician may request that CPR be
initiated. If there is reasonable doubt or substantive reason to believe
the no-CPR order is invalid, CPR should be initiated. If evidence later
indicates that no resuscitation is the patient's clearly expressed wish,
CPR or other life support can be discontinued.</P>
<A NAME="anchor31"></A>
<P>No-CPR orders should not be confused with advance directives or living
wills, which are requests by individuals to direct their medical care should
they lose decision-making capacity. Advance directives and living wills
require interpretation by a physician and need to be formulated into a treatment
plan, including specific orders (no CPR), consistent with the patient's
wishes. The existence of a living will does not necessarily indicate that
a patient is foregoing aggressive medical care or CPR.</P>
<A NAME="anchor32"></A>
<P>Interpreting living wills and identifying proxies in the prehospital
setting are fraught with difficulty, requiring the rescuer to interpret
a legal document at the time of a medical emergency. A number of EMS systems
are developing methods to ensure that no-CPR orders can be honored in the
prehospital setting. This practice should be encouraged. Unless there are
such policies in place authorizing the withholding of emergency treatment,
first responders, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics should treat
patients according to standard protocols and provide any advance directives
to the physician responsible for subsequent treatment. Family members may
be concerned that emergency medical personnel are not honoring the advance
directives. However, EMS responders must sensitively and emphatically convey
their responsibility to initiate treatment and await physician direction
regarding advance directives or requests in a living will. Treatments initiated
by EMS personnel should be discontinued in the emergency department or hospital
if there is evidence that they are not wanted by the patient, not in the
patient's best interest, or not medically indicated.</P>
<A NAME="anchor33"></A>
<P>Rescuers who initiate BLS should continue until one of the following
<A NAME="anchor34"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">1. Effective spontaneous circulation and ventilation
have been restored.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor35"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">2. Care is transferred to emergency medical responders
or another trained person who continues BLS.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor36"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">3. Care is transferred to ALS emergency medical
<A NAME="anchor37"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">4. Care is transferred to a physician who determines
that resuscitation should be discontinued.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor38"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">5. Reliable criteria for the determination of
death are recognized.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor39"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">6. The rescuer is too exhausted to continue resuscitation,
environmental hazards endanger the rescuer, or continued resuscitation
would jeopardize the lives of others.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor40"></A>
<P><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">7. A valid no-CPR order is presented to the rescuers.
Ethically and legally there is no distinction between discontinuing CPR
and not starting it in the first place.</FONT></P>
<A NAME="anchor41"></A>
<P>There is ongoing debate about the efficacy of BLS beyond 30 minutes.
Rescuers in a remote environment and some BLS ambulance services may have
prolonged transport times before ALS can be instituted, making them unavailable
for other calls. The risk of vehicular accidents during high-speed emergency
transport must be weighed against the likelihood of successful resuscitation
after prolonged BLS resuscitative efforts. State or local EMS authorities
should be encouraged to develop protocols for initiation and withdrawal
of BLS in areas where ALS is not readily available, taking into account
local circumstances, resources, and risk to rescuers. Since defibrillators
are now recommended as standard equipment on all ambulances, the absence
of a "shockable" rhythm on the defibrillator after an adequate
trial of CPR can be an additional criterion for withdrawing BLS.</P>
<A NAME="anchor42"></A>
<P>Resuscitation may be discontinued in the prehospital setting when the
patient is nonresuscitable after an adequate trial of ACLS. This determination
should be made by EMS authorities and ambulance medical directors, who should
generally ensure that (1) endotracheal intubation has been successfully
accomplished, (2) intravenous access has been achieved and rhythm-appropriate
medications and countershocks for ventricular fibrillation have been administered
according to ACLS protocols, and (3) persistent asystole or agonal electrocardiographic
patterns are present and no reversible causes are identified. The interval
since cardiac arrest should be considered, but no specific duration of time
predicts unsuccessful resuscitation. Studies have shown that rapid transport
for in-hospital resuscitation after unsuccessful prehospital ACLS rarely
if ever results in survival to hospital discharge and that the costs and
risks associated with high-speed transport may outweigh the extremely small
likelihood of benefit.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0033"
TARGET="Footnote #33">33-35</A></FONT></SUP> Physician ambulance medical
directors remain ultimately responsible for determination of death, and
pronouncement of death in the field should have the concurrence of on-line
medical control.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0036" TARGET=
"Footnote #36">36</A></FONT></SUP> Although duration of resuscitation and
the patient's age influence the success of resuscitation, by themselves
they are not accurate predictors of outcome. Return of spontaneous circulation
for even a brief period is a positive prognostic sign and warrants consideration
of transport to a hospital. Transport may also be warranted in special circumstances
such as profound hypothermia.</P>
<A NAME="anchor43"></A>
<P>In EMS systems where resuscitation is discontinued in the prehospital
setting, mechanisms should be established for the pronouncement of death
and appropriate disposition of the body by means other than EMS vehicles.
EMS providers must be trained to deal sensitively with family and others
present, and the involvement of a member of the clergy or a social worker
should be considered.</P>
<A NAME="anchor44"></A>
<P>Ambulance and rescue personnel commonly encounter terminally ill patients
in private homes, often in hospice programs. These patients may require
treatment for acute medical illness or traumatic injuries, measures to relieve
suffering, or simply ambulance transportation to a medical facility. Use
of 911 telephone numbers and the emergency system may or may not be appropriate.
Comprehensive policies should be adopted by local or state EMS authorities
to allow persons to decline an attempt at resuscitation but still have access
to other emergency medical treatments and ambulance transportation. A legally
valid, widely recognized form or other method of identification should be
available for presentation to prehospital personnel when they are called
to the scene of a patient with a no-CPR order.</P>
<A NAME="anchor45"></A>
<P>Personal physicians should initiate predeath planning for patients entering
the terminal stages of illness. Physicians must be knowledgeable about state
laws related to death certification, pronouncement of death, the role of
the coroner and police, and disposition of bodies.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0037" TARGET="Footnote #37">37</A></FONT></SUP>
They may not realize that no-CPR orders written in the hospital may not
be transferable to outside the hospital setting.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=
"http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0037" TARGET="Footnote #37">37</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0038"
TARGET="Footnote #38">38</A></FONT></SUP> Failure to address these issues
may result in unnecessary conflict.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0039"
TARGET="Footnote #39">39</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor46"></A>
<P>Many patients prefer to die at home, surrounded by friends and loved
ones. The hospice movement and many societies for specific diseases (eg,
multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and muscular dystrophy) provide excellent models
for planning an expected death at home and for answering questions from
physicians and families.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0040"
TARGET="Footnote #40">40</A></FONT></SUP> Physicians, patients, and family
members together should discuss measures of comfort, pain control, terminal
support, and hygiene; when (and when not) to call 911; use of a local hospice;
and when and how to contact the personal physician. Funeral plans, disposition
of the body, psychological concerns surrounding death and dying, and availability
of counseling services and ministerial support should be discussed. Such
knowledge and discussions will reduce and even eliminate many of the ethical
and medicolegal issues related to CPR.</P>
<A NAME="anchor47"></A>
<P>Nursing home facilities should develop and implement institutional guidelines
for providing CPR to their residents. A nursing home should be considered
a prehospital setting, and residents should be provided with 911 emergency
service if medically indicated. Advance directives and living wills should
be considered when developing treatment plans for residents lacking decision-making
capacity. The treatment plans should include specific orders (DNR/DNAR/no
CPR) to limit emergency care, if this accords with the patient's request.
Physician orders and treatment plans to limit ECC should be provided to
EMS personnel and transferred with the patient from the long-term care facility
to the hospital.</P>
<A NAME="anchor48"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.3.2 Organ and Tissue Donation</FONT></H2>
<P>The AHA supports efforts to answer the national need for increased organ
and tissue donation. EMS agencies should consider prospectively contacting
the organ procurement organization in their region about the need for tissue
from donors pronounced dead in the field. Permission must be obtained from
next of kin for organ and tissue donation. Federal guidelines for organ
and tissue procurement in hospitals should be consulted.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0041" TARGET="Footnote #41">41</A></FONT></SUP>
Although this is an area of considerable sensitivity, EMS medical directors
and prehospital providers should be alert to clinical situations where organ
procurement may be appropriate. The appropriateness of initiating life support
on a dying patient solely for organ procurement requires further public
<A NAME="anchor49"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.3.3 Ethics of Practicing Intubation Skills</FONT></H2>
<P>The public and healthcare professionals share an important interest in
developing and maintaining a high level of technical skill in rescuers.
Providing healthcare professionals with a closely supervised intubation
practice using the newly deceased, especially small infants, is a common
teaching method. This practice is ethically justifiable in that it is nonmutilating,
brief, beneficial to others, and an effective teaching technique.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0042" TARGET="Footnote #42">42</A>,<A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0043" TARGET="Footnote #43">43</A></FONT></SUP>
However, the sensibilities of family and staff should be compassionately
respected and consent obtained whenever practical.<HR ALIGN=LEFT></P>
<A NAME="anchor50"></A>
<H1><A NAME="anchor147201"></A><FONT COLOR="#eca413">16.4 Resuscitation
and Life Support in the Hospital</FONT></H1>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.4.1 Determining Appropriate Level of Care</FONT></H2>
<P>Hospitalized patients should periodically have an evaluation to determine
the "appropriate level of care." The levels to consider are (1)
aggressive emergency resuscitation; (2) intensive care monitoring and life
support (prolonged life support); (3) general medical care, including medication,
surgery, artificial nutrition, and hydration; (4) general nursing care;
and (5) terminal care. Selection of the appropriate level of care is a medical
decision made in accordance with an informed patient's or surrogate's consent.</P>
<A NAME="anchor51"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.4.2 Initiating Resuscitation in Hospitals</FONT></H2>
<P>Prompt institution of CPR is indicated in hospitalized patients outside
the intensive care unit (ICU) who develop airway obstruction, apnea, or
pulselessness. Resuscitative efforts should be withheld when there is a
no-CPR order; when, in the judgment of the physician, such efforts cannot
restore and sustain cardiopulmonary function; or when widely accepted scientific
data indicate there is no likelihood of survival. This prediction should
be based on several credible published studies of sufficient numbers with
100% no-survival rate. The patient, surrogate, or family should be informed
of the decision to withhold CPR. CPR may be discontinued after an adequate
trial of ACLS or a valid no-CPR order is presented.</P>
<A NAME="anchor52"></A>
<P>In the hospital or delivery room, CPR may be discontinued after a full
trial according to accepted clinical protocols. Sufficient data have not
yet accumulated to support a recommendation on the appropriate duration
of CPR efforts in children before discontinuance. There is evidence that
infants resuscitated in the delivery room whose Apgar scores remain 0 after
10 minutes will not survive.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0044"
TARGET="Footnote #44">44</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor53"></A>
<P>In the delivery room, resuscitation may be withheld from infants judged
to be not resuscitable at birth<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0045"
TARGET="Footnote #45">45</A></FONT></SUP> or with imminently fatal malformations.
In pediatric cases in general, parents should share in the decision making
whenever possible. When the potential need for CPR can be anticipated, early
discussion and preplanning promote shared decision making. Physicians must
discuss with parents their determination that a CPR attempt would be futile
and should be withheld. The general presumption in favor of initiating attempts
at resuscitation provides an important opportunity to gather and document
clinical and other data to support a decision about continuing or withdrawing
those efforts.</P>
<A NAME="anchor54"></A>
<P>If cardiac arrest occurs in an ICU or critical care unit (CCU), the interval
from arrest to restoration of spontaneous circulation should be extremely
short because of close monitoring by personnel and immediate attempts to
reverse the arrest.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0046"
TARGET="Footnote #46">46</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0047" TARGET="Footnote #47">47</A></FONT></SUP>
In ICUs and CCUs every possible effort should be made to minimize the likelihood
of accidental airway obstruction, hypoventilation, or pulselessness by recognizing
problems with tubes or ventilators and by promptly evaluating arrhythmias.
Admitting patients with no-CPR orders to ICUs and CCUs may be appropriate
when care outside the ICU or CCU is difficult or impossible for logistic
reasons or when a temporary and potentially reversible problem develops
in a patient with an underlying irreversible illness.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0027" TARGET="Footnote #27">27</A></FONT></SUP>
The appropriateness of resuscitative efforts for the patient in the ICU
or CCU should be reviewed regularly and modified as the patient's condition
<A NAME="anchor55"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.4.3 Withdrawal of Life Support</FONT></H2>
<P>Although withdrawal of life support may be a more emotionally complex
decision for family and staff, withholding and withdrawing are ethically
the same. Decisions to withhold or withdraw life support are justifiable
in the final stages of terminal illness when the patient, adult or child,
will remain permanently unconscious, when the burden to the patient of continued
treatment would exceed any benefits, or when widely accepted scientific
data suggest that the chances for successful resuscitation are remote. Caution
must be exercised in determining the prognosis of infants with neurological
<A NAME="anchor56"></A>
<P>Brain death cannot be determined during emergency resuscitative attempts.
Determination of brain death must be governed by nationally accepted guidelines.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0048" TARGET="Footnote #48">48</A></FONT></SUP>
Care providers should not forget the need for organ donation, which the
AHA encourages. Once a patient is determined to be brain dead, life-sustaining
treatment should be withdrawn unless consent for cadaveric organ donation
has been given. If such consent has been given, previous no-CPR orders should
be rescinded until organs have been procured.</P>
<A NAME="anchor57"></A>
<P>In children the clinical criteria for brain death are in most circumstances
the same as in adults. However, determination of brain death should not
be made until at least 7 days of age.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0049"
TARGET="Footnote #49">49</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0050" TARGET="Footnote #50">50</A></FONT></SUP>
It is recommended that hospitals develop policies and guidelines for the
determination of death by brain death criteria that reflect current consensus
and address areas of controversy.</P>
<A NAME="anchor58"></A>
<P>Persistent vegetative state is the irreversible cessation of the integrating
function of the cerebral cortex while brainstem function remains intact.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0048" TARGET="Footnote #48">48</A></FONT></SUP>
After cardiac arrest and restoration of spontaneous circulation by CPR,
some patients may not regain consciousness. The prognosis for adults in
persistent vegetative state following cardiac arrest can be predicted with
high accuracy after 3 to 7 days.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0051"
TARGET="Footnote #51">51</A></FONT></SUP> Withdrawal of life support, including
artificially administered nutrition and hydration, is ethically permissible
under these circumstances, in accordance with the previously discussed guidelines
for making decisions for patients who lack decision-making capacity.<SUP><FONT
SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0052" TARGET="Footnote #52">52-55</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor59"></A>
<P>The conscious or unconscious patient in the terminal state of an incurable
disease for whom terminal care is determined to be appropriate should have
care that ensures comfort and dignity.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0006"
TARGET="_blank">6</A></FONT></SUP> Care should be provided to minimize the
suffering associated with pain, dyspnea, delirium, convulsions, and other
terminal complications. For such patients it is ethical to gradually increase
the dosage of narcotics and sedatives to relieve pain and other symptoms,
even to dosages that might also shorten the patient's life.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0054" TARGET="Footnote #54">54</A>,<A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0055"
TARGET="Footnote #55">55</A></FONT></SUP></P>
<A NAME="anchor60"></A>
<H2><FONT COLOR="#f38568">16.4.4 Hospital No-CPR Policies</FONT></H2>
<P>Hospitals must have written policies for no-CPR orders, as the Joint
Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations requires. These
policies need to be reviewed periodically to reflect developments in medical
technology, changes in guidelines for ECC and ALS, or changes in the law.</P>
<A NAME="anchor61"></A>
<P>The attending physician should write no-CPR orders in the patient's chart.
The rationale for the no-CPR order and other specific limits to care should
be documented in the progress notes. Oral no-CPR orders may be misunderstood
and may place nurses and other healthcare workers in legal and ethical jeopardy.
If the attending physician is not physically present, nurses may accept
a no-CPR order over the telephone, with the understanding that the physician
will sign the order promptly. No-CPR orders should be reviewed periodically,
particularly if the patient's condition changes.</P>
<A NAME="anchor62"></A>
<P>"Show codes" or "slow codes" appear to provide CPR
while not actually doing so or while doing so in a way that is known to
be ineffective. Slow codes, particularly when done to deceive the relatives
and friends of a patient, compromise the ethical integrity of healthcare
professionals and undermine the physician-patient or nurse-patient relationship.
Such codes should not be done.</P>
<A NAME="anchor63"></A>
<P>Orders to limit resuscitative efforts, such as to withhold defibrillation
or endotracheal intubation, are appropriate in some circumstances. For example,
an informed patient or surrogate may want only limited resuscitative efforts,
realizing that this may decrease the chances of successful resuscitation.</P>
<A NAME="anchor64"></A>
<P>A no-CPR order means only that CPR will not be initiated. It does not
mean that other care should be limited. These orders should not lead to
abandonment of patients or denial of appropriate medical and nursing care.
They do not constitute "giving up." The same reasons that make
CPR inappropriate, however, may also render other treatments unsuitable.
After a no-CPR order is written, the attending physician should clarify
plans for further care with nurses, consultants, and house staff, as well
as with the patient or surrogate. For many patients, interventions for diagnosis
or treatment remain appropriate after a no-CPR order is written. In CCUs
it is important to clarify how to respond to physiological abnormalities,
such as arrhythmia or hypotension, that could lead to cardiopulmonary arrest
if not treated. Basic nursing care, such as oral hygiene, skin care, and
patient positioning, and measures to relieve pain and other symptoms should
be continued.<HR ALIGN=LEFT></P>
<A NAME="anchor65"></A>
<H1><A NAME="anchor147939"></A><FONT COLOR="#eca413">16.5 Role of Hospital
Ethics Committees</FONT></H1>
<P>Hospitals are now required to have advisers such as ethics committees
and bioethicists who can respond to requests for resolution of ethical questions.
Ethics committees traditionally have been consultative and advisory and
have been effective in organizing educational programs and developing hospital
policies and guidelines. There is considerable variability among hospitals
with respect to committee responsibilities, authority, membership, access,
and procedural protocols, and hospitals should develop explicit statements
on these issues.<HR ALIGN=LEFT></P>
<A NAME="anchor66"></A>
<H1><A NAME="anchor148249"></A><FONT COLOR="#eca413">16.6 Legal Considerations
in CPR and ECC</FONT></H1>
<P>The ethical and legal aspects of CPR and ECC can be conceptualized in
terms of two periods. From the national implementation of CPR after the
first national conference on CPR in 1973 until 1990, many physicians were
greatly concerned with malpractice liability for withholding or withdrawing
CPR. The second period was initiated in 1990 by the US Supreme Court decision
in the <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">Cruzan</FONT></B> case and the passage of
the Patient Self-Determination Act.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0013"
TARGET="Footnote #13">13</A></FONT></SUP> In the <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">Cruzan</FONT></B>
case the court assumed that competent patients have a constitutionally protected
liberty interest to refuse unwanted medical treatment. The ruling permitted
states to adopt procedural requirements for withholding life-sustaining
treatment. The <B><FONT COLOR="#ffffff">Cruzan</FONT></B> decision, together
with the Patient Self-Determination Act, shifted the discussion to how to
support the right of patients to make decisions about their medical care
and to make advance directives more effective. Physicians need to take responsibility
for maximizing the benefits of advance directives and the Patient Self-Determination
Act while minimizing undesirable outcomes.</P>
<A NAME="anchor67"></A>
<P>The Patient Self-Determination Act, effective December 1, 1991, was intended
to encourage discussion about advance directives.<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1><A
HREF="http://localhost:8032/servlet/lp?url=Book_ACLS/ACLS_ch16/ch16_ref.htx#anchor0013" TARGET="Footnote #13">13</A></FONT></SUP>
This act applies to hospitals, home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities,
hospices, and health maintenance organizations that participate in Medicaid
and Medicare. Such providers must establish written policies and procedures
to inform all adult patients of their rights "to make decisions concerning
medical care, including the right to accept or refuse medical or surgical
treatment and the right to formulate an advance directive." This information
must be provided at the time of admission to the hospital or nursing home,
at the time treatment is provided by the home health agency, or at the time
of enrollment in a health maintenance organization. These institutions or
agencies must document in the medical record the existence of an advance
directive and must respect such directives to the fullest extent possible
under state law. Physicians should take advantage of these requirements
of the act to talk with patients about their preferences regarding CPR in
various clinical situations.</P>
<A NAME="anchor68"></A>
<P>Good Samaritan laws have been expanded in a number of jurisdictions to
protect from liability laypersons and health professionals who do not have
a duty to respond, who are acting "in good faith," and who are
not guilty of gross negligence. Such laws were intended to minimize fear
of legal consequences for providing CPR, which might hinder multilevel community
ECC programs.<HR ALIGN=LEFT></P>
<A NAME="anchor69"></A>
<P>end of Chapter 16